
Friday, January 4, 2019

Bacon-Cheeseburger Skewers

     Well, it's a brand new year, 2019, and I am shocked to say that I have not made a post on this blog in over four years.  I'm not exactly sure why I stopped posting, but it seemed as though blogs were becoming passé and everyone shared things instead on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media.  And those are all fine.  But I'm back to thinking that there is a spot in this world for blogs, too.  Sometimes a blog is just the right way to share something.
     In particular, blogs are great for sharing hobbies, and that's the immediate reason why I've started mine up again.  I used to take part in a fun counted cross-stitch year-long "event" called WIPocalypse, and I've decided to participate again this year.  While there is an associated Facebook group, I like the idea of sharing the details of my projects each month in the blog format.  So I dusted off the old blog and thought I'd start 2019 off right with a quick and super easy recipe.
     I love a good appetizer recipe, and the Bacon Cheeseburger Skewers I made for our Christmas Eve buffet, pictured above, were delicious!  For the actual recipe, I'll refer you to the source, which is a post on a blog (see?  Blogs are great for sharing recipes, too!) called An Affair from the Heart.
But you can pretty much put these together without a real recipe, as they're simply frozen meatballs (cooked, of course), topped with squares of cheese, then bacon, lettuce and grape tomatoes.  I'll be truthful here, these ARE a little fussy, because you have to cook the meatballs and then cook the bacon separately, which is time consuming.  But, you could easily do at least the bacon ahead of time, as it's not crucial that the bacon is piping hot.
     What I did was cook and cool the bacon, and then I partially assembled my little skewers while the meatballs were cooking in the oven.  I used 4" skewers and threaded half a tomato, a bit of folded up lettuce, and one-half slice of bacon (also folded in half) on each one.  When the meatballs were heated through, I added a small square of cheese to each and popped them back in the oven for just a minute for the cheese to melt.  When those were finished, I simply speared one meatball on each pre-made skewer and put them all on a platter for serving.  I forgot about a dipping sauce, but I think that mustard and ketchup mixed together would make a delicious dip, if you wanted to serve one alongside.
     One final note -- be super careful not to overcook the bacon.  You don't want it crisp, or you won't be able to fold it in half and spear it on your skewer.  So go for done, but chewy.
     A great appetizer is as simple as that!  My family liked these so much that I will definitely make them again.  I'm thinking these would be great as part of a finger food spread for the Superbowl.

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