
Monday, January 6, 2014

WIPocalype 2014 -- First Post!!

Although I don't make New Year's resolutions, I am definitely a goal-oriented person.  And I am also the kind of person that likes to have goals with respect to hobbies.  Not to stress myself out, or to make my hobbies into things that "have" to be done, but simply because, for me, goal-setting works.  I get more done when I've thought about my goals, and written them down, than when I just "wing it.".

That's why WIPocalypse 2014 is perfect for me.  I want to make sure I keep up with my overall goal of cross-stitching more in 2014, so WIPocalype will help me do that.  I love the idea of checking in once a month with progress pictures, and being free to change my list of things I want to work on, or finish, in 2014.

So, without further ado, here is the list of cross-stitch projects that I intend to work on in 2014.  Some of them are current WIPs, but some will be new starts.

1.  Spring Queen by Mirabilia
2.  Liza’s Bouquet by Ginger & Spice
3.  Tyler’s Lion by Long Dog Samplers
4.  Angel of the Morning by Lavender & Lace
5.  Christmas Flourishes by Mirabilia
6.  Apostle’s Creed by My Big Toe Designs
7.  Afternoon Nap (Bucilla kit)
8.  Seasonal Birds (Bucilla kit)
9.  Albero Felice by Alessandra Adelaide
10.  Little Sheep Virtues by Little House Needleworks
11.  “My House” ornaments (Little House Needleworks) for Brandon and Brian
Spring Queen, Liza's Bouquet, and Tyler's Lion are all current WIPs.  I have all of the supplies for Angel of the Morning, Christmas Flourishes, and Apostle's Creed, and I just ordered fabric and pattern for Albero Felice.  For the Little Sheep Virtues, I want to stitch these all on one piece of fabric, so I've ordered the fabric and a couple of the patterns to get myself started.  I have a mini-goal of stitching one of the Little Sheep patterns each month.
That feels really good to get that all written down.  It is a very snowy and ice cold day here in Michigan, so I think I'm going to make myself a nice hot cup of coffee, and sit down and stitch!

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